St. Patrick's Parade Letter to All Welcomed Sponsors

Dear Friend,

Through the efforts of local businesses, community groups, and residents, like you Freehold Borough has become the destination of choice in Western Monmouth County for Dining, Outdoor Concerts, Street Festivals, Parades, and More.

The Freehold Borough Arts Council with the help of the Ancient Order of Hibernians St. Oliver Plunkett Division #16, the Freehold Elks Lodge No. 1454, the Columbian Club/Knights of Columbus, and are working together to make the 10th Freehold St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Sunday, March 13th, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. the best one yet.

With your financial support we will be able to add additional traditional Irish Pipe and Drum Bands and keep the local High School Bands in the parade which certainly did add to the size and spirt of the crowd last year. With the cooperation of the State we are again starting at McLean Street passing the Hall of Records and reviewing stand on East Main Street and on to Bennett Street.

With your help we can look forward to another great parade to enliven our Downtown with the sights and sounds of all things Irish. We appreciate you for being a part of our efforts to make Freehold Borough a great place to live, work, and play.

While all groups

are invited to march for free if registered there are several ways you can support the effort:

Posted on December 27, 2021 .

St. Patrick's Registration

2022 Freehold Borough F.B.A.C. St. Patrick’s Day Registration Form Presented by the
Freehold Borough Arts Council, The Ancient Order of Hibernians Div. 16 -St Oliver Plunkett, Freehold Elks Lodge #1454, & Columbian Club/Knight Of Columbus Council # 1672 Sunday, March 13th, 2022

Group/Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: _________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________ St: _____ Zip: _____________ Email: ________________________________ # of Marchers: _______ Float/Car/Other: ___________________________ Unit Type: ____________________ (Circle One)

$25.00 Community Group Registration
$50.00 Business Marching
$100.00 Corporate Sponsorship
$300.00 High School Band Co-Sponsorship
$600.00 High School Band Sponsorship
$750.00 Pipe & Drum Co-Sponsorship
$1.500.00 Pipe & Drum Sponsorship
$2,000.00 Featured Sponsor of the 2020 Freehold St. Patrick’s Day Parade

________________________ ________________________

Print Name Sign Name

Please Make Checks Payable to: Freehold Borough Arts Council

Please Mail Checks and/or Registration form to: Freehold Borough Arts Council
1 Broad Street; Attn: Jeff Friedman

Freehold, NJ 07728

Posted on December 27, 2021 .

Joan Ramirez- Inspiring and Teaching

Joan Ramirez is a local author who published a book. In this time when book signings are limited, Joan used Youtube to get the word out about her latest book. I asked Joan about it:

Joan has worked with Special Ed Autistic elementary children. Her book, Jamie Is Autistic:Learning in A Special Way came about because Jamie is based on one of her students. She asked Joan to write about her.

A dear friend connected me with Reading Pioneers who agreed to take a look at my book. They liked it and my message and decided to make a video for YouTube.

I'm eternally grateful because I want to help as many autistic kids to continue to feel special.

I am proud to tell you that the video on You Tube of my children's book, Jamie is Autistic: Learning in a Special Way by Joan Ramirez is now live.

Here is the link:

Please do let me know what you think.

Posted on November 11, 2020 .

Rich Fireman- local poet

    I've been doing 2 writing groups since the pandemic started: a Zoom (weekly) for poetry only, with about 6 or so attending each session on average and a biweekly (on some other server, since the moderator has a business account he can use; I think it's Web-X, similar to Zoom) for any type of writing, usually every other week, which generally has about 4 people on average. They're generally 1-2 hours apiece.

     If anyone's interested, at the beginning of the pandemic, around early March, it generated for me a series of ten haiku [5-7-5 syllables] which, for me, exemplified the otherworldly/helpless feeling I (and many others, I'm told) was experiencing. You have my permission (in fact, encouragement) to share them with whomever you'd like. I would welcome feedback, as well.. I've written a number of other poems as well during this time period - which I'd also be happy to share, if you or anyone else is interested - but for now I'll just send you the haiku, since they seem more significant/pertinent to our circumstances. My email address is

     I wish you and your family well, and let us all pray for the return of at least some sanity in November...

Haiku for the Modern World

Life was much simpler

when we didn’t have to plan

how we would not die


It was a good day.

We did lots of laundry and

neither of us died.

New Rules

There is no such thing

as your being too careful.

You have to survive.


The world looks the same

but then when I look closer:

fear in people’s eyes


I love you so much

but with this disease will you

be here tomorrow?

Unwelcome answer

Always wondering

how I was going to die

now I think I know

Social Distancing

Topsy-turvy world:

whether you live may hinge on

someone being near

Dead Dawn

When I woke up I

did not know that it would be

the apocalypse


What would Spring look like

If there weren’t all these masks

hiding the beauty?

Posted on November 1, 2020 and filed under authors, poetry, writing.

What Have You been doing?

The current health crisis has upended how and where we see and hear artists. I have books to promote and libraries have determined that there will be no events for the rest of the year. I would love to go to a book signing, but that hasn’t happened. 

As an artist, how have you coped with current events? Do you have more time to create? Has this stifled your creativity? 

The Freehold Borough Arts Council has this website for artists. Events in the area are promoted. I invite you to contact me at to tell me what artistic endeavor you are working on. Send me a 300 word post for the website. If you want to send a blog post but don’t know what to say, reach out to and I could send you some prompts. We can discover how to handle this world together.

I have posted an article about my feelings on the current events at 

I hope to hear from you.

JJ Lair

Posted on October 6, 2020 and filed under art shows, authors, writing.

Making Art Alone

To be an artist, you need to exist in a world of silence. —Louise Bourgeois

It is the irony. Art unites us. Making art is a solitary experience.

I’m sitting in an office editing multiple stories that may become novels. There are outlines of ideas and sketches in open notebooks. A mug of coffee, a dictionary, and scattered pens cover the desk. Mood music fills the room. 

I’m alone.

I used to meet with writing groups throughout the region. We would read our works, talk publishing news or brainstorm ideas. The genre didn’t matter, YA writers sat next to poets who sat next to mystery writers who were next to romance writers. 

I miss Lew, Danielle, Jon, and Lisa. How did their stories end?  Who was the killer? Did that guy and girl get together? I haven’t met with the groups to find out. I still see some writers on the Internet, but it’s not the same. it has pluses like we are in our comfortable homes. We aren’t sitting for hours with coffee in a public place as other people try to hear our stories. We aren’t passing each other books or notes.

I haven’t been to a book signing in months. New books still come out. The big book event is more muted.  

There are new music albums coming out, but the artists can’t tour. 

I want to share my stories and hear what you think. In a world of thousands of websites, I don’t know how to get your attention. 

As someone who loves the art world and wants to see what is out there, where can I go?  

What have you created? 

What can you share? 

Four hundred million people watched The Beatles perform “All You Need is Love” on June 25, 1967 through world-wide satellite television. Millions gathered and united to hear a song.

  I know there are people clamoring to unite with a song or a movie that we need to talk about.

How have you the artists gotten the word out about your art? 

Where have you the art-lover found that latest book, painting, play, song, puppet show that you want to talk about?

I would love to know.

Posted on October 6, 2020 and filed under authors, novels, writing, art shows, book signings.

2016 Board of Trustee Election Announcement

On January 26, 2016, The Freehold Borough Arts Council will be holding its annual election for the Board of Trustees in 2016. The election will take place during our annual reorganization social event.

This years event will take place at the Freehold Elks Lodge 1454 located at 73 East Main Street, Freehold NJ 08827. Please join us for cash bar and light snacks as we present our guest speaker Calvin Schwartz, Writer/Producer/Co-Host NJ Discover TV & Radio. Also Co-host Rock on Radio Show Sunday Nights. So come and listen to Cal talk about music, the paranormal, and his adventures! Cal will also be signing his paperback novel Vichy Waters which will be for sale. You can read the outstanding reviews here Looking forward in meeting old and new friends, and joining the Freehold Borough Art Council.

The Board is comprised of up to twelve FBAC members. These trustees are elected by the members in good standing of the FBAC. (See below for definition of member in good standing)

Each year, four of the twelve trustee positions are subject to election. President Jeff Friedman is leading the election process this year. Though we have three interested people in the positions open this year, any active member in good standing may run for a position with the board. Interested individuals should email Jeff at  for consideration at being placed on the ballot. Eligible members will be placed on the ballot with the four who are currently interested. The trustees up for election this year are Brian Sullivan, Lynn Reich and Gil Burgess. There is one empty seat this year that can be filled by election or appointment by the FABC president with approval from the Board of Trustees. 

Once the election of trustees takes place, the 2016 FBAC trustees will then elect among themselves who will be on the executive committee. The executive positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This will be done at the follow up, regular trustees meeting, after the trustee election. 

Member in Good Standing- This is a member who is up to date with membership dues, regardless of which tier the person signed on with. Founding members should also be paying annual dues in order to maintain good standing, though the Founding Member designation is permanent. For members interested in voting in the election, we will be collecting dues up to the night of the election for 2015. Be sure to visit our membership page at for membership information.

 An Active Member is a member in good standing who has attended FBAC meetings or volunteered with the FBAC during the year previous to the election, in this case, 2015.

The election will take place during the winter social event.


For people who have no interest in voting, please keep in mind that your dues and sponsorship have helped a great deal. 2015 was another excellent year for the FBAC and each year is a bigger success as we help the local arts community grow. We cannot do that without your help. 

The FBAC is a registered not for profit organization. We remain committed to serving all of the Freehold and arts community. Our meetings and activities are open to all who wish to learn, participate and have some fun.

Posted on January 17, 2016 .

2015 Board of Trustee Elections

On Thursday January 15, 2015, The Freehold Borough Arts Council will be holding its annual election for the Board of Trustees. The Board is comprised of up to twelve FBAC members. These trustees are elected by the members in good standing of the FBAC. (See below for definition of member in good standing)
Each year, four of the twelve trustee positions are subject to election. Trustees Lynn Reich and Brian Sullivan are leading the election process this year. Though we have four interested people in the positions open this year, any active member in good standing may run for a position with the board. Interested individuals should email Brian and Lynn at for consideration at being placed on the ballot. Eligible members will be placed on the ballot with the four who are currently interested. 

Once the election of trustees takes place, the 2015 FBAC trustees will then elect among themselves who will be on the executive committee. The executive positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This will be done on the same night as the trustee election. 

Member in Good Standing- This is a member who is up to date with membership dues, regardless of which tier the person signed on with. Founding members should also be paying annual dues in order to maintain good standing, though the Founding Member designation is permanent. For members interested in voting in the election, we will be collecting dues up to the night of the election for 2015. Be sure to visit our membership page at for membership information.


An Active Member is a member in good standing who has attended FBAC meetings or volunteered with the FBAC during the year previous to the election, in this case, 2014.

The election will take place during the winter social event featuring Gil Burgess, author, who will be  a guest speaker. The social will be held at the Elks Lodge located at 73 East Main Street, Freehold and will begin at 7pm. 

For people who have no interest in voting, please keep in mind that your dues and sponsorship have helped a great deal. 2014 was another excellent year for the FBAC and each year is a bigger success as we help the local arts community grow. We cannot do that without your help. 

The FBAC is a registered not for profit organization. We remain committed to serving all of the Freehold and arts community. Our meetings and activities are open to all who wish to learn, participate and have some fun. 

Posted on January 13, 2015 .

Freehold Arts: Marching On

The title of this blog post is appropriate as we approach the Third Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Freehold. This Sunday, March 16th, the states shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade will start at borough hall located at 51 West Main Street and head over to the Hall of Records located at 1 East Main Street. 


What makes this parade different? Being that this tradition was started by the Freehold Borough Arts Council (FBAC), we place much emphasis on Irish culture and arts. The FBAC is in its fourth year. For the first two years of our existence we presented Freehold with Irish films. During the second year we presented an Irish film for children at the Center Players located on South Street. That was when the parade was born. The idea was to lead people to the film. We continue that tradition this year, leading the crowd to the Hall of Records where there will be a stage with Irish dance and music. People who wear green may participate in the living Shamrock. Many local groups will be participating and we do welcome community participation in this family friendly event. There are certain to be other fun surprises. 


After the parade and entertainment, be sure to enjoy all that Freehold Borough has to offer. With local shops and restaurants, there will be plenty to do. Visit for more info on the downtown. The local business group, Downtown Freehold, is also hosting Irish week, another tradition that has grown along with the parade. 


The only source of direct funding, besides sponsors, for the FBAC's St. Patrick's Day Parade comes from the sale of tee shirts. Tee shirts may be purchased at "Especially for You Florist" located at 39 West Main Street, Freehold Borough. Tee shirts may also be purchased online and will be handed out on the day of the parade. (See contact info below). 


Special thanks to Tony's Grill who purchased 10 of these tee shirts!


Please don't forget that after the parade day is over, the FBAC continues to Provide, Champion and Inspire for the arts in Freehold Borough and Western Monmouth County. We continue with our own programing as well as support many of the arts groups and artists in town. 


For 2014 the FBAC has plans for an eight week Jazz and Blues Series, Harvest Fall Festival, cultural events, An Arts and Crafts Vendor show, social events, lectures and more. Oh, and one more thing - murals! Expect to see several very nice pieces of art popping up around town this year. 


From other groups, there is plenty going on. Here is a sample of upping events. 


The Arcadian Chorale will be here on Sunday March 23, 2014 at 4pm in St, Rose of Lima Church. The FBAC is proud to assist this excellent group with their annual concert in Freehold. Visit for more information


The Freehold Art Society currently has 14 artists on display at Fidea's Art Gallery located at 12 Court Street. This group of diverse and talented artists will be on display there until March 29th. The FAS also has art work on display at the Freehold Public Library. 


The Downtown Concert Series out of St. Peter's Church will have an excellent show to close out their fourth season, on May 10th.


The Freehold Borough Arts Council was formed in late 2010. We are a registered 501c(3) not for profit organization, dedicated to ALL of the Freehold Borough community as we support local arts in and around town. We rely on sponsors, membership dues, and donations to achieve all that we have in such a short time. We welcome people from all walks of life to join us. 


Please visit and bookmark our web site found at to find out more about us. The events page will have updates on many great events throughout the year. Sponsor and membership information can also be found on the web site. 


While visiting the web site, please sign up for our email newsletter that is sent out about twice a month. We never share your information with anyone and you may opt out of the newsletter at any time. We welcome submissions from member groups and individuals for the newsletter and web site. 

Posted on March 10, 2014 .

Election Notice

On Thursday January 23, 2014, The Freehold Borough Arts Council will be holding its annual election for the Board of Trustees. The Board is comprised of up to twelve FBAC members. These trustees are elected by the members in good standing of the FBAC. (See below for definition of member in good standing)
Each year, four of the twelve trustee positions are subject to election. Trustees Lynn Reich and Brian Sullivan are leading the election process this year. Though we have four interested people in the positions open this year, any active member in good standing may run for a position with the board. Interested individuals should email Brian and Lynn at for consideration at being placed on the ballot. Eligible members will be placed on the ballot with the four who are currently interested. 

Once the election of trustees takes place, the 2014 FBAC trustees will then elect among themselves who will be on the executive committee. The executive positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This will be done on the same night as the trustee election. 

Member in Good Standing- This is a member who is up to date with membership dues, regardless of which tier the person signed on with. Founding members should also be paying annual dues in order to maintain good standing, though the Founding Member designation is permanent. For members interested in voting in the election, we will be collecting dues up to the night of the election for 2014. Be sure to visit our membership page at for membership information.An Active Member is a member in good standing who has attended FBAC meetings or volunteered with the FBAC during the year previous to the election, in this case, 2013.

This election notice does not include the actual meeting details of when and where the election will be. That information will be published very soon as a few minor details are finished up. During that meeting, the election will be a fast and simple process. Due to excellent feedback from members, we are changing our general meetings. We are expected to have guest speakers, music, and a whole lot of fun. Our general meetings will be lighter on business and emphasize local arts even more than we do now. 

For people who have no interest in voting, please keep in mind that your dues and sponsorship have helped a great deal. 2013 was a record year for the FBAC and each year is a bigger success as we help the local arts community grow. We cannot do that without your help. 

The FBAC is a registered not for profit organization. We remain committed to serving all of the Freehold and arts community. Our meetings and activities are open to all who wish to learn, participate and have some fun. 

Posted on January 10, 2014 .

The Launch Letter Project


The Freehold Borough Arts Council is proud to announce the launch of our new website. In keeping with the intention of the organization to champion all arts in Freehold we have created a project to align with the launch of the website. We have asked four groups of artist to create a piece of art using one of the four initial letters of the organization. Each letter has been assigned two artistic disciplines to be represented in the piece. There are a few guidelines listed below to maintain some uniformity but other than that we want each group to explore the possibilities of the disciplines and what they mean to you personally and also what it means to Freehold. At the end of the project it is our intention to display the four pieces of art at local businesses in Freehold for a limited engagement.


Posted on July 11, 2013 .